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Welcome to Our Inclusive Congregational Family

Congregation B’nai Tikvah is a warm, inviting, and inclusive congregational family. This didn’t happen by mistake or by sheer luck; it was a conscious decision made by the founders of Congregation B’nai Tikvah. Our founding member, Marc Usatin, set us up for success in creating this hamish home. “It’s up to the new generation to maintain the ideals we were founded on…inclusivity [and] an honest warm environment.” The caring spirit accompanied by a sense of coming back home is the cornerstone of our communal culture.

Core to our current values and central to our communal identity is the constant pursuit of being “radically welcoming,” which Rabbi Chabon defines as “recognizing the need to not just be welcoming by default, but by actions and statements.” 

Lori Siegel, our congregation’s president, believes in opening our doors and extending our tent to all who would like to belong, following the legacy set by our founding members. She says, “We welcome all who want to belong. We welcome those of us who belong to a synagogue because it provides a connection to Israel and its centrality to life in the diaspora. We welcome our LGBTQ friends and families looking for an open, inclusive synagogue. We welcome Jews of Color looking for a synagogue in which their Jewish identity will not be questioned. We welcome Millennials and Gen X, Y, and Z-ers who have been unable to find a fountain to quench their spiritual thirst. We welcome interfaith families. We welcome folks who want to convert to Judaism. We welcome those who are unsure of their own religious identity.”

We invite you to join our congregational family.

Annual Congregational Commitment

Membership Category

Our standard dues are designed to cover our overhead divided evenly among our members. We realize that not everyone can contribute at this amount and work with all who interested in B’nai Tikvah becoming their spiritual home to find a meaningful way to support our community.


Kavod means honor in Hebrew and builds on the culture of giving that we are cultivating at CBT.  This level of membership enhances our ability as a community to be welcoming and inclusive to all, regardless of anyone’s financial constraints. The Kavod Membership allows those of us who are able to generously sustain our community. As a Kavod member, you will be recognized in the Tikvah Talk (if you wish) and invited to a special event recognizing your enhanced contribution. 


A Home to All
We are committed to inviting and welcoming all who wish for Congregation B’nai Tikvah to be their spiritual home, regardless of financial constraints. While our dues are designed to sustain our community and enable us to thrive, we never turn anyone away for financial reasons. We work with all to find a meaningful and comfortable way to support our shared home.

All membership dues are tax-deductible.
We joined B’nai Tikvah to find a community in which my children could establish their Jewish identities and go through their B’nai Mitzvah experience. Little did I anticipate, that many years later, I would have an adult B’nai Mitzvah service of my own that strengthened my own bond to Judaism. I am grateful to have found this community in which my family has been able to learn and grow.

Jewish Identity

We joined B’nai Tikvah to find a community in which my children could establish their Jewish identities and go through their B’nai Mitzvah experience. Little did I anticipate, that many years later, I would have an adult B’nai Mitzvah service of my own that strengthened my own bond to Judaism. I am grateful to have found this community in which my family has been able to learn and grow.
With gratitude--B'nai Tikvah offers me an open minded spiritual home filled with music, friendship, classes that promote love of Judaism, warm, welcoming, thoughtful and musically beautiful Shabbat and holiday services and a place to continue my commitment to social justice.

Social Justice

With gratitude–B’nai Tikvah offers me an open minded spiritual home filled with music, friendship, classes that promote love of Judaism, warm, welcoming, thoughtful and musically beautiful Shabbat and holiday services and a place to continue my commitment to social justice.

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Next Steps

Want to explore becoming a member? Contact our executive director at or (925) 933-5397.