At Congregation B’nai Tikvah, we believe that a kind and vibrant
Jewish community deepens and restores our sense of purpose and
connection to the world.
We are dedicated to learning, music-infused prayer, personal relationships and a commitment to social justice, and welcome all who are looking to explore the many innovative paths to meaning that Judaism has to offer.
When Debbie and Marc Usatin moved to Walnut Creek from San
Francisco, they couldn’t find a suitable synagogue, so they decided to
start one. Inspired by their experience at Temple Emanu-el and advice
from local rabbis, they founded Congregation B’nai Tikvah. Initial
meetings were held in their living room, and they recruited members
from the local Jewish community. By early 1981, they secured Rabbi
Raphael Asher and cantorial soloist Aviva Katzman, and held their first
High Holiday services with 300 attendees.
Since its founding in 1981, Congregation B’nai Tikvah has thrived due to the commitment of the community. The synagogue has established a religious school and provided a welcoming space for all. Members have become leaders in the Jewish community, celebrating b’nai mitzvahs, weddings, and more. This dream, made possible with the help of many, stands as one of the greatest achievements in the founders’ lives.
Congregation B’nai Tikvah is a welcoming home for all. Inspired by our founders' commitment to honoring dignity and inclusivity, we continue to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, striving to center and uplift every voice in our community.
If you identify as interfaith, multi-faith, Jewish-adjacent or Jew-ish, you belong at CBT. If you are curious about Jewish ritual or prayer, but aren't sure where your own spirituality fits in, you belong here. When you show up with the wholeness of who you are, our Jewish community grows stronger and more beautiful.
Keshet @CBT is a social organization that aims to build meaningful connections for LGBTQ+ individuals, families and allies within the CBT community. Keshet welcomes people of all ages, genders, and orientations to find a place in the larger CBT community.
Social Action has always been one of our communities core principles. We are dedicated to fighting for social justice, inspired by Torah and grounded in Tikkun Olam. We feel called to the work of Teshuvah –returning to our best, most righteous selves– by how we fight and advocate for a more just and equitable world.
Through diverse programs, we foster connections with Israel, deepening our understanding of its society, history, and culture. We advocate for a just, pluralistic, and inclusive Israel, recognizing that all are made B’tselem Elohim—in the image of the Divine.
CBT is made up of down-to-earth, kind, compassionate people who want to live their Judaism through prayer, social action, and community connection. We encourage you to get involved with the community around shared passions and interests. We have many committees and groups to explore.
With gratitude–B’nai Tikvah offers me an open minded spiritual home filled with music, friendship, classes that promote love of Judaism, warm, welcoming, thoughtful and musically beautiful Shabbat and holiday services and a place to continue my commitment to social justice.
CBT is a place where my children can learn what it means to be Jewish and become excited to be part of that community.
We joined B’nai Tikvah to find a community in which my children could establish their Jewish identities and go through their B’nai Mitzvah experience. Little did I anticipate, that many years later, I would have an adult B’nai Mitzvah service of my own that strengthened my own bond to Judaism. I am grateful to have found this community in which my family has been able to learn and grow.
We found our “Jewish home” in 1992, and have been “singing” about it ever since. B’nai Tikvah is a most caring temple, with prayer and music, filling our hearts and souls!
Join Us!
At CBT, our committees and groups offer countless ways to connect, contribute, and build community. Whether you're interested in acts of loving-kindness with Chesed, enriching educational programs, social justice through Social Action, or social connections with Sisterhood, Men of CBT, or Tikvah Tribes, there's a place for you. From supporting ritual life to fundraising, advocating for Israel, or cultivating our gardens, these groups foster engagement and ensure CBT thrives as a welcoming, vibrant community. Join us and make meaningful connections while making a difference.
Congregation B’nai Tikvah is a warm, inviting, and inclusive congregational family. This didn’t happen by mistake or by sheer luck; it was a conscious decision made by the founders of Congregation B’nai Tikvah. Our founding member, Marc Usatin, set us up for success in creating this hamish home. “It’s up to the new generation to maintain the ideals we were founded on…inclusivity [and] an honest warm environment.” The caring spirit accompanied by a sense of coming back home is the cornerstone of our communal culture.
Core to our current values and central to our communal identity is the constant pursuit of being “radically welcoming,” which Rabbi Chabon defines as “recognizing the need to not just be welcoming by default, but by actions and statements.”
Our standard dues are designed to cover our overhead divided evenly among our members. We realize that not everyone can contribute at this amount and work with all who interested in B’nai Tikvah becoming their spiritual home to find a meaningful way to support our community.
Kavod means honor in Hebrew and builds on the culture of giving that we are cultivating at CBT. This level of membership enhances our ability as a community to be welcoming and inclusive to all, regardless of anyone’s financial constraints. The Kavod Membership allows those of us who are able to generously sustain our community. As a Kavod member, you will be recognized in the Tikvah Talk (if you wish) and invited to a special event recognizing your enhanced contribution.
Kehillah means community in Hebrew and builds on the culture of giving. This level of membership allows us to be welcoming and inclusive to all, regardless of anyone's financial constraints. The Kehillah Membership level allows those of us who are able to generously sustain our community. As a Kehillah member, you will be recognized in Tikvah Talk (if you wish), invited to a special event recognizing your enhanced contribution, and able to attend all dinners and programs at no charge.
We are committed to inviting and welcoming all who wish for Congregation B’nai Tikvah to be their spiritual home, regardless of financial constraints. While our dues are designed to sustain our community and enable us to thrive, we never turn anyone away for financial reasons. We work with all to find a meaningful and comfortable way to support our shared home.
Join a Tikvah Tribe!
Tikvah Tribes are congregant led groups of 8-12 people centered around a shared interest. Have fun, grow, make new friends, and strengthen existing relationships.
Joining is free for CBT members, but some activities such as dining out and wine or coffee tastings may have costs among group members.