Our Mission
At Congregation B’nai Tikvah, we believe that a kind and vibrant Jewish community deepens and restores our sense of purpose and connection to the world.
We are dedicated to learning, music-infused prayer, personal relationships and a commitment to social justice, and welcome all who are looking to explore the many innovative paths to meaning that Judaism has to offer.
— CBT’s Mission
Our Values
Congregation B’nai Tikvah is defined by our commitment to being a home to all who come through our doors. The founders of our community were inspired to create a synagogue that honors the dignity of every human being, and that strives to be radically welcoming in every generation. Today, we commit to weaving diversity, equity and inclusion work into the fabric of our entire community, with the hope of transforming CBT into a synagogue that centers the voices and identities of all people. We are a compassionate community that believes that each of us is made B’tselem Elohim, in the image of the Divine.
— CBT’s Guiding Principles on
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion