Letter from Our President
Dear CBT Family,
We have received many calls from congregants on how we can support each other during this time of the pandemic. Since today’s order for us all to shelter at home, our office is closed, but we still want to stay connected and to support the most vulnerable members of our community.
So what can we do to help? At CBT we will be organizing a few things during this time of social distancing. In the coming weeks, as we grapple with a new reality, we will do as much as safely possible to help each other, help those in need in our community, as well as see if and how we can help our local community. In this period of social isolation, it is important for us to remember we still have our loving CBT family and we are here for you and for each other. Below are a few things we are working on. Please contact Keren Smith, if you would like to participate in any of the following offerings:
- If you need help going to the grocery store or pharmacy due to these restrictions
- If you do not fall into the high-risk categories and can help go to the store or drive our elderly members to appointments
- Or if you would be willing to make Shabbat phone calls to keep our community connected. A group of folks made some Shabbat calls last week and it was very meaningful. Our goal for the next week is to reach out to all of our members.
Our next Shabbat service will be live-stream, and we have offered and will continue to send Shabbat videos to you as well as mid-week songs and teachings. Also, stay tuned for our communal learning opportunities, including a dynamic virtual Torah study with Rabbi Chabon.
Keren and Rabbi Chabon will be reaching out to those with children in Religious School with virtual programming and services. Stay tuned for that.
We will also be working on ways to connect with our congregation during Pesach. More on that as the holiday approaches.
We all do not know how long this will go on. But our faith is strong and our community will remain connected through it all. Rabbi Chabon, Keren, Chanel, Amanda and Kathy are keeping this all together for us. Our student rabbi Sammy is also keeping in touch and will be able to assist in keeping our connections strong during this time.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for any of you.